        We were made to be dependent on God. This is the reality that we live in. For many of us though, bringing our lives consequently in line with this truth will require a paradigm shift - a re-thinking and re-ordering of the way we live our lives. To do this, we need to learn to see our selves as God does, to find our place in God's world.
"Trouble me, with all your cares and worries, Bother me with all your needs and doubts."         -10,000 Maniacs
        The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Trust - (leads to) - Vulnerability,In McDowell's list the initial step is an assumed trust based on the other's integrity, (God seems to have good integrity); so we trust them with a little of ourselves, therefore making ourselves vulnerable. At this point the true character (transparency) of both parties is revealed by their response of vulnerable trust. Here the initial dangerous trust based on hope becomes a known resting trust based on knowledge - it is this deeper trust that leads to intimacy. It's the difference between knowing something in your head, and knowing it in your heart.
Vulnerability- (leads to) - Transparency,
Transparency- (leads to)- Intimacy
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