        The Contemplative Monks, particularly St. John of the Cross, talk of the Dark Night of the Soul. It is said by the monks that if you are coming into intimacy with God, you will inevitably experience this Dark Night. These times of darkness and silence can range from periodical to chronic, from momentary ditches to long valleys. They can be the result personal tragedy or loss, a major life change, or spring from our own insecurities. The most vividly illustrated example is recorded in the book of Job, the record of one long agonizing silence. But Job was no exception, David had his valleys too, and Christ his Gethsemane. Silence takes as many different forms as there are individuals, but if we are in the process of growing closer to God we are bound to encounter "growing pains". Centuries ago John Bunyan wrote of the ebb and flow of perception - the darkness and silence that is part of our Christian experience:
"In the hour of trial, each man must have his own convictions, or he will find himself with none."         -A. Lloyd Jones
        It seemed very strange to me that though God sometimes visits my soul with wonderful blessed things, yet sometime afterwards, for hours at a time, I have been filled with such darkness that I could not even remember what the comfort was that had refreshed me before. Sometimes I have gotten so much out of my Bible that I could hardly stand it. At other times the whole Bible has been as dry as a stick to me.
        The heart grows sick at the appalling story and we turn away with a dull but baseless hope that it may be in part at least untrue. But the facts are too terrible to make exaggeration in the record of them possible. Torn by wild beasts in the arena, torn by men as merciless as wild beasts, and, far more hateful, in the torture chambers of the Inquisition. His people have died, with faces turned to Heaven, and hearts upraised in prayer to God; but the Heaven has seemed as hard as brass, and the God of their prayers as powerless as themselves or as callous as their pursecutors!
        Evil remains evil no matte how much good God may be pleased to reveal. Romans 8:28 does not say that God makes all thinks good, but rather that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him." Confidence in God's love, presence, And providence does not require that we deny the objective reality of evil or say that pain really does not hurt. Jesus delighted in doing God's will, but he did not delight to go the cross. The text says that Jesus "For the joy set before him endured the cross" (Heb 12:2).
        Faith may be in the dark about guidance, but it is never in the dark about God. What God is doing now may be a mystery, but who God is is not. So faith can remain itself and retain integrity by suspending judgment. Jesus underwrites such faith when he promises "I am the light of the world - no follower of mine shall wander in the darkness." Jesus does not say that we will never walk in the dark but that we need not wander in the dark, or have a way of life at home in darkness .
Why have you cast us here so stranded,        I have found that when I have tried the foundations of Heaven, God did not fall off the thrown. But my faith was made more sure, and the misconceptions came to the surface like dross. Truth can withstand this scrutiny, while the cultural biases and errors are exposed. Most of this book was written because of such scrutiny - facing doubts, agonizing questions, and fears. The hard stick looks more sturdy than the green one, but in the wind one breaks and the other bends. Through this lifestyle of dependency, even in times of silence we can have the faith to confront life with an open face, to see reality and not be crushed by it.
Logged in the swallows of regret
Shot down by grief and empty handed,
Shouldering our souls with debt?
Why have you not broke down the silence,
And spoke with your celestial tongue?
WeÕve called to you with inner violence,
YouÕve left the snares we've set unsprung
Why do you hide from the shafts of man?
Is there safety in the dark?
Why is the past pregnant with legions
Of those who've searched for guiding sparks?
If our hearts are choked with evil
Why refuse to heal us now?
If you've the means to cure the feeble
Why won't you cast your pearls to sows?
Questions are the mortal cancer
Sweeping down on pagan wings
If I expect to find an answer
Why do I fear to ask these things?
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